Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More Craziness

So we got over the lipstick on the pig crap.  Now we're talking about how much Sarah Palin is spending on her outfits.  Things seem to be regressing in American politics.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debate

A few thoughts on the debate:

I thought Biden ate up Palin during the first 15-20 minutes.  She really stepped up her game as she became more comfortable and came on strong near the end.

This debate was like the first presidential debate of 2008.  I don't think there was any clear winner.  In the first presidential debate I gave a slight edge to McCain, tonight I give a slight edge to Biden.

-I thought Biden, like usual, had a great debate.  But that hasn't seemed to materialize into votes.  Of course, against someone like Palin (where he has much more experience) it isn't that hard to have a good debate.  I think he is a very good debater and very good speaker.

-I thought Gwen Iffil did an excellent job, though I would have liked a little more follow-ups and pressing.

-I wish things weren't so scripted.  Both were.  But it is so obvious it is rehearsed when you see Biden or Obama.  The first answer, in both debates, they each  went here's point 1, point 2, point 3, point 4.  

-Palin did she her inexperience, but she didn't embarrass herself or make any huge mistakes.  The main thing is she didn't hurt the ticket.

-I wonder how much either, but especially Palin, appealed to independents.  

-I wish she would stop repeating these catchy lines.

-I love all these made up stories about people that Joe Biden always brings.  Yeah, some guy really said "Oh Joe, I don't know how much it costs, I don't have enough to pay."

-I would really hope to Biden has a better answer defending income distribution than "Where I  come from it's called fairness."

-Why was Biden smiling?  He looked arrogant.

-She didn't do a very good job of counter-punching.  He said something and she didn't argue it.  Or she attacked him or Obama, he answered, and she didn't refute it.

-Both came across as jovial and caring.  Though I can't help but think about his low giving to charity.

-She did a very good job of detailing her accomplishments and how she can build on them as vice president.

-I love all the supporters from each side.  "He clearly won.  She clearly won."

-She did what she needed to do.  Didn't hurt herself and put some energy in the ticket.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why I Like the Presidential Candidates

I am thankful we have two candidates to be the next vice president who are actually capable of being themselves.  These days, not many politicians act like themselves.  It is all about perception and what people are going to think.  Yes, Joe Biden talks a lot, and yes he makes a lot of gaffes.  But who cares?  Everyone says something crazy every once and awhile.  Everyone messes up.  So he said that FDR got on the TV after the markets collapsed in 1929.  That's funny.  Very funny.  Let's all have a laugh over it!  I like to see the real Joe.  I like to see the Joe that's not perfect and has a temper.  I respect him for being himself, and not trying to act like a little model of the perfect vice presidential candidate.  Real people aren't like that.  

As for Sarah Palin, I think one of the best things about her injection into the race was her refreshing "all-american" life.  Very few politicians can claim that.  Joe Biden can't, George Bush certainly can't, Al Gore can't, John McCain can't, John Edwards can't, John Kerry can't, Mitt Romney can't, Barack Obama can't.  They are all rich, born in good circumstances, or educated at an Ivy League school.  Agree with her or not, you have to say that she's just the average American.  The sad thing is that the McCain campaign isn't letting her by herself.  She doesn't know everything.  But she doesn't need to.  I wish they could stop her scripted answers.  Let her show that she understands the American people and understands their struggles.  She's not insulated like the rest.  She has family problems just like anyone else.  Her husband works long hours. 

I grateful we have two  veep candidates that are probably closer to you or me than 99% percent of the other politicians in Congress.  I want someone like Joe Biden or Sarah Palin as my vice president.  I would rather vote for someone who is not perfect than someone who wants to act like they are.  I personally find the paradox very funny.  People want a president just like them, but they also want someone better, someone wiser, than them.