Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More Love to Go Around (Not)

Thanks to Glenn Beck, independent conservatives now have someone to hate. Democrats have Republicans to hate. Republicans have Democrats to hate. Marxists have Capitalists to hate. It's only fair that independents who are conservative have somebody to hate. Now, Glenn Beck has given them "Progressives".

I've defended Glenn Beck several times on this blog before. I can no longer do so. His obsession with the social justice movement and its association with liberation theology, and his constant insistence that the Obama administration and "Progressives" (who, according to him are actually most of the politicians in office in the U.S. and around the world today) want to create a new world order is very unfortunate given the fact that we need more honest dialogue debate, not more stereotyping or playing the blame game.

Recently Glenn Beck has turned his attacks, and unfortunately his vitriol, toward religious leaders. It seems every day that Glenn Beck adds more and more people to the list of those who are part of a grand conspiracy. Most recently he has spent an inordinate amount of time attacking Jim Wallis, whom I've had the honor of hearing speak before. Glenn Beck, unfortunately, uses guilt by association often, and cherry picks comments and sound bites to impugn the character and beliefs of those who he disagrees with, often distorting what they really believe.

Glenn Beck is a Christian. I cannot and I will not question his faith. I don't hate him. I don't even dislike him. However, I do question his constant lampooning of those he disagrees with, his questioning of the faith of others, and his characterization of Progressivism as a "cancer". This is a strange way of demonstrating and expressing the love of Jesus. Sadly, instead of being a proponent of more a unbiased, responsible, and civil dialectic, he simply has bought into blaming a segment of the population who he disagrees with for our problems. How lame.

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